
Friday, January 24, 2020

8:38 AM

Food To Strengthen Health


Contains a large percentage of proteins, estimated at 3.2 grams of one hundred grams of broccoli, and is also characterized by the lack of carbohydrates it contains, and by providing the body with antioxidants that are useful in preventing cancer.


Eating this plant helps the muscles grow significantly, because they contain about sixty-five percent of proteins, and only twenty percent of carbohydrates, and there are many ways to eat them, so it can be eaten as a juice or capsule.


Beef contains, except that it contains protein, it contains zinc and iron, which are necessary for muscle growth and building.

olive oil

Olive oil contains good amounts of nutrients necessary for the body that help the muscles to grow and strengthen.


Yogurt is one of the good foods that grow muscles, because it contains proteins as well as carbohydrates that provide the body with the energy needed to perform exercises.


There are many types of berries, including red, black and white, but they are all important sources that provide the body with vitamins and antioxidants that play a role in building muscle.

Muscle drinks

Water: It is important to drink large quantities of water on a daily basis. Apart from the well-known benefits of water for a healthy body, it is necessary to strengthen muscles, as seventy-five percent of muscle tissue is made of water.

Coffee: It was found that coffee helps increase endurance because it contains caffeine. Therefore, drinking coffee one hour before doing exercise increases endurance.
8:17 AM

Food to strengthen muscles

Muscle Building

Building muscle and increasing its strength requires an individual to perform a variety of behaviors, such as exercising, and proper nutrition that depends on foods that contain a high percentage of proteins mainly because they play an important role in building muscle, so in this article we will learn about the most important foods and beverages That strengthens the muscles. Volume 0%

Food that strengthens muscles


Eggs contain a high percentage of amino acids, and it provides the muscles with the proteins necessary to build muscle, and eggs can be eaten in more than one way such as frying, boiling, or even raw and can also be used to prepare a healthy drink consisting of orange juice, a spoon of coconut, and a banana, And two eggs.


Nuts contain a high content of proteins, as well as calcium, magnesium, and iron. Examples include nuts, almonds, and hazelnuts.


Fish is one of the richest foods that contain proteins in addition to other nutrients such as iodine, and one of the most types of fish that are recommended to be eaten in the diets is mackerel for its richness in fatty acids, proteins, and salmon because it contains omega-3 acid that reduces the complications that muscles can have after the training.

Sunday, August 4, 2019

11:56 AM

How To Be Strong Muscle

 Muscle is a pillar in the human body, along with joints and bones, and is divided into two types, voluntary muscles and involuntary muscles. The involuntary muscles are the muscles that operate automatically and can not be controlled by man, unlike the voluntary muscles that man can control. The involuntary muscles are the muscles of the heart. The voluntary muscles are the external muscles of the body, such as the thigh and the legs. In this article we will talk about how to strengthen the muscles of the voluntary body.

Muscle strengthening exercises

The squatting exercise

This exercise helps to tighten the muscles of the thighs and strengthen them quickly.
  • Stand on the ground straight.
  • Keep feet apart from each other.
  • Replace the arms in parallel with the shoulders.
  • Go down until the thigh is parallel to the ground, keeping the knees bent forward.
  • Get out of the ground, and return to normal calmly.
  • Repeat the exercise ten times for three rounds.
  • Take a 2 minute break between each tour.
push up

This exercise helps to strengthen the muscles of the upper body, namely the muscles of the chest and muscles of the shoulders and stomach.

  • Lie down on the ground, face down and back up.

  • Place the hands on the floor forward and shoulder-width wise.
  •  Pressure on the shoulders.
  • Lift the body up until the elbows are separated, taking into account that the front is closest to the ground, not the chin, so as to prevent harmful impact on the muscles of the neck.
  • Repeat the exercise ten times for three rounds, taking a minute break between each round.

Squeezing exercise with one leg

  • Stand on the ground straight.
  • Positioning on the right foot only.
  • Stretch the left foot forward, keeping in mind that it is not touching the ground during exercise.
  • Bend the right knee down, until the rear of the ground approaches.
  • Stretch the entire right leg again, taking into account the use of the right hand force on the table in lifting the body up.
  • Repeat the previous steps several times.
  • Change the base on the left foot.
  • Repeat the exercise ten times for two rounds.

Tips to strengthen muscles
  • Keep away from harmful and bad habits, such as smoking, and alcohol abuse.

  • Minimize the intake of stimulants and soft drinks.
  • Sleep for adequate amounts, not less than eight hours, rest is important for the growth and strengthening of the muscles, while the lack of sleep leads to fatigue and fatigue.
  • Keeping away from all that causes anxiety and tension, muscle strength and development need a quiet psychic and high temperament; because tension and pressure affects the muscles negatively.
  • A healthy diet that contains all the nutrients the body needs from proteins and amino acids is a key element in building and strengthening muscles. It can be eaten through red meat, fish, eggs, white meat, milk, legumes and grains.
  • Avoid excessive intake of harmful fats and saturated cholesterol, it causes a heavy burden on the heart and arteries and all vital organs in the body.
  • Take therapeutic supplements such as fish oil capsules.
  • Exercise that helps build and strengthen muscles.
  • Persistent eating fruits and vegetables frequently because they are rich in vitamins and minerals such as iron, zinc, potassium, iodine and sulfur.
11:41 AM

Method of muscle amplification

Amplify muscles

Many men, especially young people, are looking for ways and means to amplify and amplify their different body muscles; to keep up with fashion, imitation, desire, and other reasons. There are many ways and means to work, but we will focus on exercise Which help it, along with a range of different tips that help to achieve the best results.

Exercises to inflate muscles

  • The squatting exercise: one of the oldest and best exercises that help to build the body specifically muscles: It includes a large body of muscles, but on the other hand need to certain situations to avoid the incidence of many problems, and the most prominent muscles that work to amplify are the neck, thighs, shoulders Add Glutis muscle.
  • Pressure: Stimulates the muscles of the body different, the most important trilogy of the head, shoulders, and chest muscles.
  • Dumbbells: Help build and inflate chest muscles, add back to the shoulders, and biceps, but must be exercised here regularly and regularly; to get bigger and stronger muscles.
  • Shoulders: Shoulder exercises help greatly amplify them and can be practiced in the gym to ensure optimum results.

Tips For Muscle Amplification

To focus on only one muscle during weekly training, either shoulder, back, chest, or legs.

  • Take adequate rest, try to relieve pregnancy and lift weights during the days of exercise free; in order to rebuild muscle cells quickly and significantly.
  • Perform some exercises in a simple and calm manner such as weight loss, called a negative movement.
  • Take care of exercises that involve the use of heavy weights.
  • Take care of exercises that involve the use of heavy weights.
  • Exercise time should not be more than seventy-five minutes, and it is best to be less. The latest research and studies have shown that testosterone levels are as high as possible after about 60 minutes of muscle-flexing exercises and then begin to decline.
  • Not to look at the prominent and huge muscle owners, and try to compare them with them; because the sense of anxiety in terms of inability to achieve desirable leads to frustration and lack of achievement, even if it can be done.
It is also worth mentioning that there are many foods that help in this matter, specifically rich in proteins that work mainly on building different tissues and muscles of the body.
2:51 AM

Simple exercise

Body restrictions: Usually some women have more thighs. It spoils their physical appearance. It is also a matter of reducing personality.

The main reason for this is due to improper diet and work habits. This makes many people look very ugly at a young age.

There is no need to go down to the gym. We can reduce the unwanted flesh found in the thigh by keeping it at home.

Warmup Training Free Squats

Stand with the feet shoulder-width apart and both arms extended to the front of the shoulder-height.

Now, imagine having a chair laid out in front of us, we have to get up at 45 degrees as if sitting in that chair.

Repeat 10 times. This is a set. You should do three sets of 15 second intervals per day.


The right leg should be placed on the front side and the left leg on the back as it happens. Let the space between the two legs be three feet.

Now fold the torso in the front legs and fold the leg in the back.

In a few seconds it should return to its original state. Similarly, the left leg should be placed anteriorly and the right leg posteriorly.

Doing this 10 times is a set. Do three sets of 15 to 30 second intervals.

Standing side leg raise

The left hand should stand on a nearby wall or chair.

The left hand should be attached to the body. Now raise the right leg as laterally as possible.

After a few seconds, it should return to its original state. Similarly, change the hand and exercise the left leg. This is a set. You have to do three sets like this.

Glute kick back

Hands should be placed on the floor so that the body is knocked to the floor. The feet should be slightly aligned.

First bring the left leg up to the front of the abdomen. After touching the forearm, lift the leg backwards and raise it as high as possible.

In a matter of seconds, it should return to its original state. Similarly do two sets of three legs respectively.

Inner Thighs

Lie on the floor with your left hand facing the head.

Fold the right hand and place the fingers on the front side of the head. Fold the right leg and place it near the hip area.

Now lift the left leg up and stop for a few seconds and then return to its original position.

Doing this 10 times is a set. Do three sets, respectively, along with another leg.
2:40 AM

Here's an easy way to cure back pain in pregnant women

We have all seen the scene where pregnant women are holding their backs. Below are the reasons for their back pain.

It is normal for hormonal changes in the body during pregnancy. For example, the hormone Relaxin is secreted in the body of pregnant women. As the name suggests, this hormone relaxes muscles, tendons, and pelvic bones and widens the pelvis and birth tract during childbirth and facilitates childbirth. Growth of the uterus pulls and stretches the muscles in the stomach, making the lower back arch more flexible. As the uterus begins to grow larger, the disc in the spinal cord in the spine begins to compress.

With this pressure, the nerves emanating from the spine are affected. When the nerves are pressed, their synchronized muscles weaken and cause pain. Thus, pregnant women suffer from back pain and lower back pain. When this is not noticed, back pain can spread to the legs.

It affects the posture and center of gravity of the world. For the above reasons, we are in a state of disorientation. The condition is characterized by a very curved back, rear curved knees, rounded / rounded shoulders, and a front jawed neck.

This varied posture causes great pain in the lower back. For these reasons the center of gravity of the body is pushed from the center to the body. Thus affecting the postural balance of the body.

More and more daily activities make the muscles and muscle fibers weak and relaxed. Muscles and ligaments become more relaxed by the time the pregnancy begins. If childbirth / childbirth passes through the cesarean section, back pain and associated problems can increase dramatically. This is because any operation, the hug near the operation, makes the muscles and tendons weak and loose. Surgery is already weakened and weakened by surgery. Here's a look at what you can do besides just applying painkillers and how to prevent back pain through exercise.

Pregnancy Exercise:

Exercise during pregnancy does no harm to us. We all need to understand that it is very beneficial.

Exercise is mandatory for pregnant mothers in foreign countries to compensate for pregnancy. Also, athletes continue to exercise and play until the specified pregnancy.

Back Pain Exercises:

Core Muscles Stabilizing exercises strengthen the muscles in the pelvis.

Pelvic exercises help to strengthen the muscles of the spine.
Proper body stretching increases the flexibility of the body.

Internal Thighs Exercise can be helpful during childbirth.
Walking for 20-30 minutes regularly helps to keep the muscles healthy and at the same time strong.

Next, we need to bend carefully and avoid any pressure on the lower extremity, if only bending the hips, rather than bending the hips, if something is to be taken from the floor.

It is better to avoid sitting on the floor.
It is better to rise from the side when lying down. Using more hands and weight lifting will greatly reduce the pressure on the spine.
Avoid sitting too long. Also, you should avoid slouched while sitting / sitting.

It is always necessary to keep the posture straight.
Cushion - pad should be placed on the side of the neck as a support / support for long periods of travel.

Hot water dressings can help reduce pain. Keep warm water for 5-10 minutes to lower back pain and increase blood flow.

It is advisable to consult a physiotherapist to customize the core muscles and lower back strengthening exercises to suit their physical condition.
2:33 AM

An Important Information About Exercise

Bodybuilding: Many people wear their shoes early in the morning and go for a walk.

However according to our physique we need to know when is the right time to exercise.

Exercise can make us feel better - but in the morning the muscles are tight. This can be compensated for during exercise. Getting compensated for late exercise can affect sleep. And it can cause negative feelings.

Morning Uses
Doing regular exercise in the morning is sometimes easy.
When offset in the afternoon and evening workouts it will be blocked due to other responsibilities.
They think that the whole day's work affects the morale of the workers.

The goal of the gym is to help Jim deal with it.

Morning workouts are a major issue in dealing with stress.
Exercise increases heart rate and body temperature. Exercise during the evening (after 8 pm) can disrupt sleep.

Exercise at 7 am will increase sleepiness, according to a study.
Lunchtime benefits

Many people think that morning sweats are good.
Exercise in the evening does not eliminate sweat.

Studies show that we get sick the usual time we go to the gym.
If we go to the gym every day at 4pm, we will get used to that time immediately.
Other times it is said that you can exercise better if you go to the same 4pm.

Studies have shown that specific physical training time can be effective.

Better performance, higher oxygen consumption, and lower fatigue sensitivity are the benefits of those who practice specific physical training time.
However, exercising a variety of times and exercising can be a complicated issue.

The core temperature of the body is an important factor in determining the quality of exercise.
A cold body makes the muscle hard, ineffective, and susceptible to sprains.

However, high body heat makes the muscles more flexible and produces better results.
Body temperature usually increases throughout the day, so when the body temperature is high, the muscle gains strength.

The main part of the exercise

Time resolution is more important than when to exercise.
Exercise in the morning is great.
From sleep to cold and tight.
Make sure the muscles are warm.
There is nothing wrong with exercising in the evenings.
However, it is necessary to observe the same time.
Find a friend to exercise with.
Always keep a gym bag in the car.