
Thursday, July 18, 2019

How to tighten the abdominal muscles in a week

Abdominal muscles
The abdomen (or stomach) is part of the muscles of the middle (Core Muscles), which is important not only to give an attractive view but to balance the body and strength, where not without any physical effort, whether the origin of exercises or activities daily use of the muscles of the center, The muscles of the stomach, the lower back, and the muscles of the two vertebrae, and if there is weakness in any of these muscles, it will lead to injuries in the body and great pressure on the bones and joints. [1] Tensile muscles of the abdomen is what most young men and women want, This area gives him strength to the body and an increase in moderation appearance, Of course, there are many factors that prevent the emergence of tight stomach muscles in most people, but with a little effort and in a short period can be exercise these muscles to appear better and over a long time

Causes of the disappearance of abdominal muscles

  • When talking about the disappearance of abdominal muscles, it does not mean the disappearance of it exists and can not live without them, but the inability to see the details, and the reasons for non-appearance:

  • The structure of the body. The body of the skeletal body (Endomorph) is difficult to show in the abdominal muscles (but it is possible), unlike the ectomorph, in which the details of the abdominal muscles can be seen on their own.

  • The weakness of the abdominal muscles, as the weak muscle is small size and does not show details. [3]

  • Increased body fat. Excess fat in the body (especially in men) is stored in the abdominal area in front of the muscles. These muscles hide behind them. [4]

  • Water retention in the abdominal area. This is due to the diet, where it caused and some foods that contain high rates, such as Al-iran to the water in different areas of the body, including the abdomen, and this is not always, but disappears after a few weeks by reducing salt rates in Diet. [5]

How To Tighten Your Belly Muscle Fast

First, attention must be paid to the quality of the daily habits. Th
e lack of regular sleep, lack of movement and the types of food intake are the first and most important factor in the lack of success of the exercises and the desired effect. [6] Salty foods help to store water in the body, The appearance of tight stomach muscles, as well as foods that contain saturated fats such as fried or fast meals in general, are very harmful to the body, and a major reason to increase the proportion of fat in the body. [7] Therefore be committed to reduce salt foods, Sugars, and saturated fats, and replace it with fruits, vegetables, unsaturated fats, and lean meat free of grease.

There are two major simultaneous phases that must be performed to show abdominal muscles: burning fat, and tightening the abdominal muscles with exercises. Without fat burning, the details of the abdominal muscles will not appear, however strong. The abdominal muscles will not be detailed and tight in case of non-exercise. The abdomen will be flat and smooth, so the stages are important and can not be dispensed with.

Burn fat
The body fat is burned by reducing high-calorie foods such as chocolate and sweets, and foods containing saturated fats such as fried potatoes, which contain high. [9] To burn fat more calories must be burned by exercise such as running, In order to burn large amounts of fat, it is not enough to run or swim for 10 minutes.

Tighten the abdominal muscles with exercises

As for abdominal exercises, there are several types of exercises that must be practiced for at least a month to get the best result in record time. It should be known that abdominal exercises alone are not enough and may cause muscle damage. Exercising is a complete system to strengthen the muscles of the body, [11] while maintaining plenty of water to drink at least two liters of water a day, as well as the body gets water in other foods and beverages, [12] and be careful to avoid smoking Eat soft drinks or alcohol, preferably EC R of eating foods that contain high proportions protein such as chicken, eggs, fish, Protein is the nutrient responsible for building muscle in the body.

It is recommended to exercise the muscles of the abdomen every two days, so as to leave the day to restore the muscles to build itself in it, and when the exercise should strain the muscles of the abdomen to benefit (to the degree of burning sensation in the muscles), but not excessive to avoid the occurrence of the most popular exercises to build the abdominal muscles

  • Sit-ups, where the person lies on his back and raises his knees, and begins to sit down and then lie down, repeating it until the fatigue of the muscles of the abdomen.

  • Weighted Sit-ups. This is a difficult exercise, similar to the practice of sitting, but the person carries a free weight with his hands while keeping it elevated throughout the exercise and can be performed on a sloping seat.

  • The person lying on the floor, as if he wants to do the pressure exercise, but he installs his body using the elbows, and stays in this position for at least 30 seconds, while maintaining the integrity of the back.
The combination of fat-burning exercises and stomach muscle exercises is preferred in the same training session to ensure energy and not to cool the muscles. In addition to exerting more effort due to the large number of exercises, this helps to burn calories more. [16]

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