
Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Muscle amplification exercises

How to build and inflate muscles
Can be built and amplified through a strong training program, accompanied by healthy nutrition and supported by proteins, and other nutrients, and show the results of the exercise after full commitment within a few weeks to several months, the mechanism that is gaining muscle mass as follows: [1]

  • When muscles are subjected to intense effort through an exercise, such as weight lifting, there is a shock to the muscle fibers, which indicate injury or muscle muscle malaise. This disorder triggers a type of cell known as satellite cells ) Located outside the muscle fibers, and the satellite cells attempt to repair damage by joining together, and dangling muscle fibers, leading to increased muscle mass, and amplification.

  • Resistance exercises stimulate the body to release growth hormone from the pituitary gland. The amount of hormone secretion depends on exercise intensity, which stimulates metabolism and helps convert amino acids into proteins to increase muscle mass.

Aerobic exercises
Aerobic exercise, known as aerobic exercise, such as walking, jogging, and cycling, increases heart rate and breathing. It also plays an active role in muscle growth, but a strong effort is required, intense during performance and repetition for a certain period of time, In order to build muscle in the best way, and researchers say aerobic exercise should be done to gain muscle as follows: [1]

  • The rate of heart rate is 70-80%. The heart rate is calculated by subtracting the heart rate at the person's resting state from the maximum heart rate during exercise.

  • Continue the exercise for 30-45 minutes at a time.
  • Perform the exercise four to five days a week.

push up
Stress exercises affect the arms, chest, hips, legs, and shoulders. A wall or floor must be provided for the body to push. The pressure exercise is as follows: [2]

  • Holding hands on the ground, the body becomes vertical and straight.
  • Start climbing up and down while taking care not to touch the head of the ground.
  • Start with a few and increase the number of ups and downs gradually.

Power exercises
One of the most common methods of muscle building, strength training involves the involvement of all muscle groups in the effort. Muscle building and enlargement takes several weeks or months of coordinated and continuous activity until muscle changes appear, according to For Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, adults must participate in muscle strengthening exercises involving all major muscle groups at least twice a week. Power exercises include: [3]

  • Raise free weights
  • Use of fixed weight machines
  • Resistance exercises
  • Exercises push, squat.

Tips for beginners when building muscle
The use of correct techniques to build muscle, reduce the risk of injury, and strengthens the ability of muscles, and during exercise should consider the following: [3]

  • Warm up for 5-10 minutes before engaging in exercise.
  • Start using light weights, weight gain, or resistance level gradually.
  • Perform the exercises properly, and the right way.
  • Some pain and muscle fatigue can be experienced after exercise, especially in the early stages, due to the intensity of the exercises, their repetition, and their length.

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