
Thursday, July 18, 2019

How to inflate abdominal muscles

Amplify the abdominal muscles
The muscles of the abdomen are the most important muscles that are sought to amplify and divide those who care about the fitness and appearance of both women and men, as it is the center of fitness first, especially in the absence of a large belly or belly, and abdominal muscles are amplified by following a diet Healthy exercise and a range of exercises that rely on weights often, and through this topic we will remind you ways to amplify the abdominal muscles through exercise.

How to inflate abdominal muscles

  • Exercise the cable: Hold the cable with both hands and sit on your knees, and then start using the abdominal muscles and stabilize the position for several seconds before rising slowly.

  • The crunch: Sit on the crunch and climb using the abdominal muscles only without the hands or chest muscles and stabilize the position for several seconds before returning slowly.

  • Exercise Blink: Lie on your belly and lift yourself using your hands and abdominal muscles, stabilize the position for 45 seconds, then rest for 30 seconds and repeat the exercise.

  • Exercise with weights: Stretch on the board and hold the bar with your hands, then rise and descend slowly using the abdominal muscles.

  • Lifting exercise: Hold the bars from the top and lift your legs up at a 90 degree angle, then slowly lower them.

  • Lifting exercise: Hold the bars from the top and lift your legs up at a 90 degree angle, then slowly lower them.

  • Attachment exercise: Hang from your arms, taking into account the dumbbells using your legs, then lift them up so that the knees are at an angle of 90 degrees.

  • Side-pressure exercise: Lie on the floor on one side, taking into account the dumbbells, then lift your body on the legs and one hand, taking into account the extension of the other hand and stabilize the position for several seconds before returning to rest.

  • Exercise stand with weights: Stand upright with pressure on the back and abdominal muscles and load weights.

Note: It is recommended to work the previous exercises at a rate of three times a week maximum, and repeat each exercise 16 times divided into four rounds, and take a break of 20 seconds maximum between each round.

Tips for getting belly muscles twisted

  • Drink plenty of water daily with at least 10 cups.

  • Sleep for enough hours during the night and avoid sleep.

  • Avoid tension and exposure to stress and nervous.

  • Eat carbohydrate-rich foods.

  • Minimize seating.

  • Focus on the abdominal muscles when doing exercises.

  • Leave drinking alcohol because it affects the muscles and lead to sagging.

  • Follow a healthy and balanced diet and avoid over-eating.

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