
Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Smaller fruit is more rewarding! Lemon is a natural anti-inflammatory.

Lemon fruit is bright yellow. Smaller fruit is more productive. How many of us are aware of the benefits of daily use of this lemonade as a beverage, under any circumstances?

How to use this lemon juice as a tasty treat and thought to be a treat for pimples, blackness, etc. Let’s see what’s a relief.

How to buy
Many of us do not know how to buy lemon juice. If the skins of lemon juice are thin, more juice is available. So buy something that is thinner than a fruit that is hard.
Nutrients in Lemon Fruit
100g of lemon juice:
Vitamin A - 1.8 mg
Vitamin B - 1.5 mg
Vitamin C - 63.0 mg
Protein - 1.4 g
Iron - 0.4 mg
Dilute - 50 g
Flour - 11.0 g
Mineral content - 0.8 g
Fiber - 1.2 g
Phosphorus - 0.20 mg
Fat - 1.0 g
Lime Nutrient - 0.80 mg
Carotene -
Thiamine - 0.2 mg
Niacin - 0.1 mg

Whatever helps
It protects the body from developing all types of cancer cells.

Lemon juice helps the body to cool down, thus providing better protection against industrial irritations and skin problems.

The benefits of citrus are high in lemons, which can lead to pimples, darkening of the face and causing skin glow.

Excellent remedy for oral odors, gums pain, tooth decay and dental problems.

Drinking lemon juice in moderate hot water daily is an excellent remedy for problems such as digestive problems, indigestion, and bloating.

Drinking a little honey and a little honey in moderate hot water daily can help you lose weight.

Lemon juice is one of the best "liver tonic" and increases the viability of the liver and helps to correct the digestive problem.

People who are hypertensive, daily lemon juice reduces headache, stress and cleanses the blood.

How to Benefit
Stomach upset (stomach upset)
Add lemon juice and drink with boiling water.

To quench thirst
Add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and drink.

Strengthen the liver
Take lemon juice and mix it with a little honey.

Relieve head pain
Squeeze half a lemon juice over coffee or tea and drink it.

Get rid of the water barrier
Drink a little salt with lemon juice.

Get rid of yellowish brown in the teeth

Lemon juice can be used to rub the inner surface of the skin with yellow tan.

Note: Reduces body fatigue, itchiness, numbness, and abdominal pain. Natural universal remedy.

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