
Thursday, June 27, 2019

How to build muscles

The importance of muscle building
The building of the body is a true building, which is very important, and it affects the life of the person in full, and must be keen on young people to have a strong body, and ordered us to do this, the Prophet peace be upon him: (strong believer is better and loved to God than the believer And muscle building is of great importance to young people, many young people seek to build their muscles to grow up and help them in the practice of some types of sports activities, especially combat sports that require strong muscles, and other sports such as swimming and other He needs muscles, and some young people wish a body full of b Muscles, until it gets a beautiful and attractive body.

But the problem is that many young people take the wrong ways to get into strong muscles, stay for years without getting what they want, despair and give up and get frustrated, and why he did not follow the correct methodology from the start, and only heard a proposal from a friend, or He read something on the web, in some forums, which are often confused and fraudulent.
The difference between muscle building and division
Some young people mix between muscle building and amplification, which is what some seek, and the division of the body and delineation in a dream dreamed by many young people, the first depends on the increase of food mainly, and the second depends on the reduction of food and limited to certain types of it.

For calorie-burning exercises, such as running, playing football and swimming, these sports divide the muscles and demarcate them in the body rather than building and amplifying. The amplification runs counter to these sports in practice, because the process of burning calories not only consume part of the fat as some think, Part of the muscles as well, and therefore the young man should determine exactly what he wants, if he wants a strong and attractive, and the body of the muscle division without amplification, this is another subject, and we are now looking at how to amplify the muscles and build.
Steps to build muscle
The young man must realize that building muscles properly, without accumulation of fat, and at the same time without burning and weakening the muscle, depends on two things:

  • The food is sound and balanced.
  • Proper exercises that work to inflate muscles properly.
To build muscle there is a need for a healthy diet containing many proteins, with some other elements that are indispensable to the body, it is mistaken to think that the body can dispense with carbohydrates and even fat, because they are important nutrients for the body, taking into account the reduction, and we can summarize The order is as follows:

  • For example, 100 grams of chicken contains about 10 grams of protein, and eggs contain an average of 3.5 grams of protein, and the fish also have more than one ounce of protein. Containing 100 grams of protein, and milk contains 100 grams of protein in every 100 ml. Thus, increasing the proportion of meat of all kinds, and milk and its derivatives, increases the proportion of protein in the body , And concludes If the young man weighs 75 kilograms, he needs 150 grams of protein a day, and this is for those who want to build muscle and amplify it, but in normal conditions It needs half of its weight in kilograms of protein, which means that a kilogram of its body needs only half a gram of protein, and therefore a young man with a weight of 75 kilograms, needs only 37.5 grams of protein.

  • With the increase in the proportion of protein in food, it is also necessary to take into account that the body needs other nutrients such as carbohydrates, which gives energy to the body to start the exercise, but should not be taken into account, because the increase in calories from the need to turn to fat, For example, it should not have a whole dish of rice, but enough is enough to stimulate its energy Just.

  • Fat, like carbohydrates, is useful for many, and many harm, it is necessary to a small proportion of fat in food, for the need of the body, but if it increased even a little bit will become a problem for those who build muscle, because it will build muscle and fat together, It must be either skimmed milk, or at least low fat, and this applies to other foods that contain fat.

  • It is necessary to increase the amount of food as mentioned above, in order to increase the size and size of the muscle, do not think that the reduction of food and regimens and others will build muscle, but reducing and regimens this is for those who wanted to reduce weight, and building muscle is an increase in weight, Because the weight of the muscle increases the greater the size of the muscle.

In order to amplify the muscles and access to a strong body and large muscles, it is necessary to specific exercises strengthen each muscle in the body separately, and must be arranged in an orderly manner, each day requires the selection of a muscle to be exercised, and work correctly, for example if we put a simplified table is closer to the titles The petition enables the young person to choose what suits him, and change and change them as he wishes, without changing the main rules, and this table is as follows:

  • On the first day, upper and lower chest muscle exercises, in the oblique bar and level, with the butterfly exercise, and the grouping exercises, on three sessions of each session 10 elevations, or decrease them up or up according to capacity, with weight.

  • On the second day exercises the muscles of the arms "Albay and Triy", starts with the exchange exercise and then Horus and Hammer, and then the reverse exchange and then the mind and the rest of the exercises Altrai usual.

  • On the third day, exercises of the back muscles, such as the saw, giraffe, gorse, and back bar exercises.

  • On the fourth day exercises the muscles of the shoulders with the bolt, include various shoulder exercises such as the oblique bar, back and front and others, and lateral and posterior bolt exercises and frontal.

  • On the fifth day exercises the muscles of the feet, exercises include the muscles of the form of seven and eight and one ten, standing or on the chair, and include the muscles of the thighs through the exercise to push up, in addition to the practice of the Samith Bar known.

  • The sixth day is a general exercise for the muscles of the abdomen, with a little jogging to burn excess fat, it benefits a lot and works to build muscle in a divided and proper.

  • The young man can take the seventh day to rest, and take into account during the rest day not to eat as much as the past six days, because this day there will be no need to increase calories in the body.

Muscle building is good, but excessive attention to it, leads to problems that can not be missed. If the young man is delayed and does not succeed quickly in inflating the muscles, he becomes sad and depressed, he must work continuously, and slow down waiting for results and not rushing. He must be patient with the fruit.

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