
Sunday, June 30, 2019

5 signs of hearing loss

When an individual can not hear what people are saying and can not understand what they are saying or communicating with, he is isolated from others and cut off from social life, according to audiologist Dr. Bertie Burton for Everyday Health. Although hearing loss is a common disease among the elderly, today it is spreading to young people, especially because of the high exposure to noise. In order to ensure the safety of this sense, here are some indicators:
1. "What did you say?"

If you ask people to repeat what they say and feel that their voices are choked and do not hear high notes easily, this means that you are hearing loss. In this case, doctors recommend that a hearing test be performed before the problem worsens. This also applies to your inability to hear clearly what people say in noisy places, leading to social isolation. Thus, the emergence of other health problems may affect the patient's psyche.

2. Lift the sound of the TV
When people repeatedly complain about the sound of your high-end television, this does not mean that the device is not working, but it is a clear sign of hearing loss, and it is also a major reason to check to make sure your hearing is correct.
3. Tinnitus in the ears
You may hear a ringing sound in your ears especially after exposure to noisy noise. If this ringing persists, you should check your hearing. This health problem, known as "Tinnitus," indicates hearing loss. This condition not only affects the elderly, but is also a warning sign in children. Therefore, if your child complains of ringing, pain in the ears and difficulty hearing, consult your doctor immediately.

4. Do not hear the sounds of everyday life
When you lose the ability to hear the sounds of everyday life such as a bird's clippings or a cell phone ringtone, this indicates a hearing problem. Usually this happens without notice, so you have to be aware of those light sounds.
5. Difficulty talking on the phone
You may have difficulty talking on a cell phone specifically in noisy places, as well as hearing low during phone calls. Hence, it is necessary to check and treat hearing as soon as possible.

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