
Saturday, June 22, 2019

How big my body muscles

Follow a diet
Increase calories
Anyone who aspires to increase his or her muscles should be careful to eat high calorie foods because they are essential to build, and are also necessary to increase the ability to do the hard work of building them, so be careful to eat more calories than usual (250-500) calories per day. [1]
Eat protein
Eating too much protein is also important to increase muscle mass. A gram of protein must be taken for every half kilogram of total body weight during the day. It is useful to eat a protein-rich snack before you start exercising. It helps to repair muscles. Protein-rich foods and essential amino acids needed to build muscle: eggs, fish, milk, and meat. [2]
Drinking water
It is necessary to maintain the body's moisture permanently, in different ways possible, but eating sufficient amounts of water is the most important, it reduces fatigue, and maintain the recovery of the body. [1]
enough sleep
Getting enough sleep helps the body build muscle, so be careful to sleep for seven hours every night, because during sleep increases the secretion of growth hormone, which plays an important role in muscle building and repair, and lack of access to adequate sleep increases the secretion of cortisol hormone , A stress hormone that weakens the muscle's ability to grow. Research in internal medicine records shows that people lose weight and muscle when they do not get enough sleep. [3]
Strengthen large muscles
Be careful to exercise that focuses on large muscles, to work on, and these exercises must be practiced at least once a week. The largest muscles in the body are: back muscles, leg muscles, and chest muscles. It should be noted that the weights should be increased gradually, for example, if a person is used to carry the weight of about 45 kilograms, can increase 4.5 kilograms in the following week, and so, where the increase in weights increase the growth of muscle fibers, to increase the ability to Weight gain, and the person will notice increased strength and strength of his muscles every week. [4]
Leg drill
The leg thrust exercise is used to strengthen the muscles of the legs and thighs, where dumbbells are carried in each hand, stand straight, then step forward with the arms on the sides, bend the front leg, (8-10) times per leg, and weight of dumbbells can be increased to increase the effectiveness of exercise. [5]
Hand Handle Tool
Hand grippers (hand grippers) is a machine used to strengthen hand muscles, used by wrestlers to train them. It strengthens the nerve of the hands and forearms. [6]

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