
Saturday, June 22, 2019

How to become a huge body

eat the food
The body needs a surplus of calories to build muscle. The body and muscle site recommends eating at least one gram of protein per half kilogram of body weight per day, plus 2.5 grams of carbohydrates and 0.25 grams of fat At least, you should focus on chicken, lean meats, tuna, eggs, peanut butter, potatoes, milk, brown rice, oats, fruits and vegetables. If you weigh 113 grams a week, you can add 200 calories To the amount consumed per day. [1]
A person can schedule strength exercises three times a week, with one exercise lasting up to one hour, leaving one or two days of rest between exercise sessions, allowing muscles to have time to recover, and reducing the risks of over-training, which can hinder (2) The person must be sure to focus on intensifying the exercise instead of procrastinating. He should also take a break between exercises for less than a minute and try to limit small side conversations with other gym members. [3]
Drinking water
Water is an important element in improving the strength of the muscles, and the body usually holds water if the person does not drink enough of it; so it is advisable to drink water; to avoid the retention in, which helps to recover muscles, and prevent the drought resulting from strength exercises, Less than 3 liters of water for males, and 1.5-2 liters of water for females. [4]
Get some rest
The person should take some rest after exercising, in order to relax the muscles, and even use the body different nutrients to rebuild the muscles that become stronger and larger, and the person should not pressure the body during exercise, so as not to feel tired, and The desired results are achieved as a result; you should get a rest to strengthen your muscles. [4]
Eat supplements
The person can take some supplements to get the body of the largest muscle, for example Creatine, which provides energy for muscles, and is produced naturally in the body, and can be taken as a dietary supplement; to increase the content of creatine in the muscle by up to more than 40 % Of its normal levels. Many studies have shown that creatine benefits in increasing muscle mass, increasing its strength, creatine increases the amount of water in muscle cells, and increases the levels of hormones associated with muscle growth, such as IGF-1, Research has shown that creatine can For the breakdown of proteins in muscle. [5]

Dietary supplements also include beta-Alanine, which can increase the effectiveness of aerobic exercise and muscle mass during exercise. One study found that eating 4 grams of beta-alanine daily for eight weeks increased body mass The placebo supplementation of wrestlers and football players, and another study showed that adding supplemental beta-alanine to a six-week intensive training program increased the lean body mass by 0.45 kg more than the placebo, and more was needed Research on the role of beta-Alany N in muscle gain. [5]

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