
Wednesday, July 17, 2019

What are the benefits of rose water for the face

Benefits of rose water for the face
It is extracted by exposing the rose petals to steam and is used in cosmetic products and foods as an alternative perfume for industrial perfumes, and has many of the following health benefits: [1]
Calm skin irritation
Rose water is characterized by its anti-inflammatory properties, it may help to reduce skin irritation due to pink count (Rosacea).
Reduces skin redness
Rose water improves skin tone and reduces redness. Its anti-bacterial properties may reduce the appearance of acne, and its anti-inflammatory properties reduce redness and swelling.
Anti-aging properties
Rose water is usually used in cosmetic products that aim to reduce wrinkles so it may be considered an anti-aging product.
Cleansing wounds
Rose water contains antiseptic and anti-bacterial properties that cleanse wounds, scars and burns and quickly heal them.
Pore   cleansing
Rose water is a good option to remove excess oil in the face of pores and can be used as a disinfectant to remove dirt and oils in the face and thus clean the pores when applied topically. [2]
Other benefits of rose water

  • Routhwash: Rose water reduces gingivitis when used regularly. It reduces the pain and bleeding of the gums as well as gives a refreshing breath.

  • Mood modification: The smell of rose water promotes mood, a sense of relaxation and freedom from anxiety and helps sleep better after a tired day.

  • Hair: Rose water contains properties that improve the quality and vitality of hair and treatment of scalp inflammation and cortex also works to stimulate the growth of hair and reduce its fall.

  • Al Ain: Rose water is effective in calming tiredness and fatigue and redness of the eye and to give the luster and shine of the eye and show more healthy can be put a few drops of it inside the eye, and is good for people who take a long time in front of the computer screens at work.

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